Villa de Los Santos

Villa de Los Santos
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Central America + Caribbean - Panama - Panama

Villa de los Santos, Panamá
7°55'44.5"N 80°24'33.6"W
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La Villa de los Santos is one of the most memorable places in the history of Panama because it was the place where Panamanians rose for the first time against the Spanish colonial government, known as the Gritos de Independencia. The year was 1821 and these claims extended to the rest of the country. As a result in just over two weeks Panama was proclaimed an independent state on November 28, 1821. This ended up to three centuries of colonial life.
La Villa de los Santos is the capital district of Los Santos and still keeps its old Spanish colonial town. This villa is well known, among other things, for their religious and cultural celebrations. Corpus Christi plays a very important role. This festival is usually held around May 30 and is not only religious but it is also folkloric. It is one of the moments where Panamanians proudly display their traditional dances, dance processions and local customs.
Near Villa de los Santos is Pedesí, a popular city because of its carnival, its pristine beaches and water activities, like diving or surfing.


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